* during alpha, it took 9 hours (without rested experience) to gain a level.
Tbc database upgrade#
* No upgrade for the 16 slot backpack has been found yet. * Hellfire Penn is about the size of EPL and WPL combined * A very large proprotion of the +hp change is actually the hp/level being increased beyond what's considered (currently) reasonable, resulting me in a pure dps seeking build having almost 7k because it just keeps showing up on my gear. * So far, I -think- they're making it a priority to keep enough quests to avoid grinding (good thing). * Golds: 60-67 netted +900g from just quests. I'll try to add what items are being replaced by what." Burning crusade Priest racials: I'm re-leveling on the PvP test server now and plan to do some sort of daily journal thing with screenshots and such. I haven't completly replaced everything, However if you're raid geared now, you'll start to replace some pieces before you level 61. Q.How Quickly will you replace MC Gear? BWL Gear? AQ Gear? 60-62 MC 63-65BWL 65-67 AQ 67-70 naxx?Ī. However, Hard resulted in my party being upon zoning in by level 70 mobs. At the time of testing, Elite wasn't completed yet. However, they added the ability to scale the difficulty of the dungeons- There are 3 difficulty settings: Normal, Hard, and Elite. Some of them are creativly done in that it requires your entire group to be moving and paying attention to what they're doing. However, the boss encounters are more well done, in that they aren't straight "Burn them down with DPS and keep the tank alive" fights.
Tbc database full#
They were very easy to do with groups in full Tier 2 and 3. They're about on par with the old world 5-10 man dungeons. Q: Compare the difficulty (skill wise) of the new instances (5/10-man) to what's currently in the game, or was in the game at one point. Many items routinly have 40+ stamina on them, and I'm talking green trash that drops off grinding mobs. Stamina has indeed been increased on the new items across the board, and you gain more HP per level after 60. The Nagrand objective is pretty neat in that you have to capture points around a small town in the middle of the zone, which you can then launch from Griffons to bomb the city. They are also meaningful objectives, such as Graveyards and Vendors with sweet PvP gear on them. All of which with rewards you're *going* to want. but I think it's safe to say there are PvP objectives in these zones as well). There are outdoor PvP Objectives in almost every zone (I can't say for sure about Blades Edge Mountains, Shadowmoon Valley or The Netherstorm because those zones have just recently been finished. The values on the Honor Rewards during Alpha were stated as not being final as the system still needed tweaking, so I'm not sure on the cost of the rewards.

I believe that Honor no longer decays over time, but rather you treat it as currency and purchase items with your Honor points. This buff is expected to last through the pre-patch, until WotLK Classic launches on September 26.- The honor system has been revamped entirely. Joyous Journey 50% Experience Buff Added to EU & NA Servers – TBC Classic Blizzard has finally enabled the 50% experience buff on EU & NA servers, after enabling it on OCE servers earlier today.
Tbc database free#
If you have characters on those servers, it is strongly recommended that you use the Free Character Migration service to move them to