mistakes can happen, a command can be misheard but a good captain knows how to improvise no matter the situation. Moving a giant carrier takes a lot of work, you need the combined effort of your entire crew.Taking an island will provide you with continuous resources to feed your war effort, you will need this if you want to keep shooting bullets and fly fighters in the sky, make sure to always protect your supply lines from enemy raids.The approach you take to a situation will play a big part in the outcome. Strategize: Gather intel from your vehicles’ radars, pick your tools of the trade, and launch your attacks where the enemy presence is thinner.

Plan every aspect of your approach, absent-mindedness just like in real life can kill you, use all of the tools provided to gather intel about the area use topographical maps, scout ahead to ascertain the enemies’ positions, use everything at your disposal to be prepared as much as possible. True to MicroProses heritage, Carrier Command 2 is all about meaningful decisions.Each one of them if used effectively can mean victory or defeat so don’t be afraid to man them if necessary. Effectively use the various weaponry you have onboard Fighters, landing vehicles, Gun turrets, Missile Silos, and Torpedoes. How Can I Find the Lowest CD Key Price for Carrier Command 2 compares trusted sellers to find the cheapest discount codes and best.

If you dont save your kills can be lost by your xbox freezing which is. The objective of the game is to capture an archipelago in a battle of supremacy against an AI or human opponents. II achievement in Carrier Command: Gaea Mission (EU): Destroy 100 Walruses using. Take Control of every facet of the ship’s systems, from its movement and logistics to its vast array of weapon systems. Take Command of a powerful futuristic Carrier and blow your enemy into smithereens with precision and strategy in, Carrier Command 2 a real-time co-op strategy game made by the once defunct studio MicroProse, known for their strategy games from the late ’80’s to the early ’00s. Carrier Command Keine Ahnung wie oft ich das damals auf dem Amiga 500 durchgespielt hab.